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【Ingredients】 Hawthorn, malt (fried), Six Divine Comedy (coke). Medicinal materials for the sucrose, citric acid.
【Properties】 This product is light brown granules; Pickle, sweet.
【Indications】 appetizers Xiaoshi. Used for loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal distension nausea.
【Specifications】 15 grams per bag.
Dosage boiled water. A 15 grams, 1-3 times a day; children reduce it.
Adverse reactions is not yet clear.
Taboo is not yet clear.
1, pregnant women with caution.
2, spleen Deficiency dyspepsia, no stagnation who do not use.
3, according to the amount of usage taking, pediatric, diabetic patients should be taken under the guidance of the physician.
4, the product traded when the ban is prohibited.
5, children must be used under adult guardianship.
6, please put this medicine in children can not touch the place.
7, if you are taking other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.
8, the product of children, pregnant women, the elderly and other special populations without adverse reactions.
Drug Interactions Drug interactions may occur if used in conjunction with other medications. Consult a physician or pharmacist for more information.
【Storage】 sealed.
【Packing】 Pharmaceutical packaging composite film, 15 grams × 10 bags / box.
【Validity】 36 months, save 3 days after opening.
[Executive standard] Buban standard Chinese medicine into the fifth book of preparation WS3-B-0881-91
【Approval number】 Zhunzi Z62020038
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