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Drug Name】 Feier Syrup

Ingredients】Dioscorea Opposita, Euryale ferox, semen nelumbinis, glehnia littoralis, semen coicis (stir-frying), semen lablab album(stir-frying), crataegus pinnatifida, atractylodes macrocephala(stir-frying), fructtus hordei germinatus and poria cocos. Adjuvant materials include sucrose, egg albumen and preservative.

description】This product is light yellow brown or yellow brown clear viscous liquid with little gas, semi-sweet.

Indications】The tonic for the children, which is helpful in spleen-stomach weakness, anorexia, an emaciated look and listlessness.

specification】100ML per bottle.

Dosage and Administration 】Oral, once 5-10ml, 3 times a day.

Adverse Reactions】Not Know.

Contraindications】Not know.

Precautions】Not know.

Storage】Sealed, keep in shade (less than 20 ℃)

Package】Oral liquid pharmaceutical polypropylene bottles, 100 ml / bottle.

Expiry】For 36 months.

Product Standard】The ministerial standard Chinese medicine prescription preparation of the seventh book WS3-B-1398-93

Approval Number】Zhunzi Z62021202

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